A&F Real Estate, Inc.
Nicole Foresti
A&F Real Estate

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What our clients are saying  

I've purchased and sold many pieces of real estate over the years, and have never experienced as flawless of an execution than I experienced with Nicole and A&F Real Estate.


~ Lee

I moved to Syracuse not knowing a soul and very frustrated with real estate options in the area. I am so thankful I found Nicole! She made finding a home and meeting new people in the area an awesome experience. I tell everyone I know to contact A&F for all their real estate needs. Thank You again, Nicole.


~ Nancy

Nicole with A&F Real Estate made selling our home a fast and pleasant experience. We enjoyed her professional approach and excellent sense of humor through what could have been a difficult time. Thanks so much Nicole!


~ Riley Jenson

Relocated to the Syracuse area for a new job... Nicole at A&F Real Estate made the move a piece of cake! The process was a great experience.


~ Greg

Nicole has helped to make our move from New Zealand to Syracuse a much less stressful experience. We first contacted her by email to seek her assistance. Her response was prompt, professional and perfect. It was certainly refreshing to deal with an agent who listened to our needs and provided what we wanted rather than trying to push a property on to us. Throughout the process Nicole has been a real star going above and beyond the call of duty. We would not hesitate to recommend AF Real Estate!


~ Brian and Shannon Caldwell

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